

We welcome your generous support to Buddha Mind Monastery. Your contributions will go 100% towards the essential programs and daily operating costs, and help build future Zen centers across the United States. We cordially invite you to become a regular supporter or patron by making a monthly contribution of any amount. Donations to Buddha Mind Monastery, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit religious organization, are tax deductible. 

Mail Donations (Personal Check):

*Please make checks payable to “Buddha Mind Monastery” and postal-mail it to Buddha Mind at: 

5800 S. Anderson Rd., Oklahoma City, OK 73150


Online banking recipient: buddhamindokc@gmail.com 

Once you have completed the Zelle donation, please email us for further contact and receipt emailing etc.


Electronic Payment via Your Bank’s Online Bill Pay System:

A convenient way to make donations is by using your bank’s online banking “Bill Pay” service. Add “Buddha Mind Monastery” as a payee, enter the aforementioned mailing address, and schedule the payment. You can set up an automatic recurring payment plan or one-time only. Include a note/memo where possible that this is a donation.

Online Bill Pay is usually free to the bank’s customers and also free to the recipient of the funds. This means Buddha Mind Monastery will receive 100% of the amount you donate without handling fees.

A receipt will be mailed or handed to you promptly

Food Donations

We welcome donations of food items. Please be aware that certain items should not be brought to the monastery. Those items include any foods containing: alcohol, meat of any kind (including seafood), eggs, most types of cheese since they are made using rennet, gelatin and jellies (since they contain animal products), garlic, onion, green onion, shallots, leeks and coriander (these five pungent foods are known to induce anger or desire in our body).
Milk products without rennet are allowed.

As Chan Buddhists, we strive to avoid killing any beings and minimize exposure to impure stimulants. Avoiding the above listed food items not only helps to maintain the purity of the monastery but also helps all of us in our resolve to be compassionate.

Thank you for following these guidelines!



1. 身無病苦,音聲妙廣。
2. 眼目清明,能照細物。
3. 相好莊嚴,意無垢染。
4. 衣食豐足,無有恐懼。
5. 忍辱柔和,成就善事。
6. 永斷無明。
7. 智慧明達。
8. 佛光普照。


為使十方善信廣積福德,佛心寺特設立燈供養福田,以成就大眾發心。燈,象徵光明與智慧,以一盞明燈虔誠供養諸佛菩薩,護持道場,增福增慧,進而點亮我們的心燈,啟發自性光明,照破黑暗煩惱,時時吉祥,處處平安。欲為個人或闔家點供光明燈者,歡迎來寺或電話洽詢: (405)869-0501