By respecting others, we elevate our own mind, and live in harmony with each other. 對人恭敬,能提升心境;人與人之間也能和諧相處。
By practicing respect to overcome pride, we can eliminate karmic obstacles, and increase our merits and wisdom. 以恭敬心對治我慢,就能消除業障,增長福德與智慧。
One who respects others will always be respected. One who loves others will always be loved.” Compassion helps us transcend the notions of self and others, and resolve hostility. As Buddhist practitioners, we especially need to cultivate compassion. As a sutra states, “Behold the friendly and the hostile equally; neither harbor grudges nor despise malicious people.” Let us broaden our minds to practice the bodhisattva way and liberate all sentient beings. 所謂「敬人者,人恆敬之;愛人者,人恆愛之」,慈悲心能泯除人我、化解對立。修行人更應該養成慈悲心,如經云:「等念冤親,不念舊惡,不憎惡人」,要心量廣大,行菩薩道,普度一切衆生。
By treating all people with a mind of compassion, respect, and equality, we can share the brightness and joy of the Dharma with everyone. That is the bodhisattva way. 以慈悲、平等、恭敬心對待每一個人,使眾生同霑法喜與光明,就是菩薩行。
All sentient beings have the Buddha nature within. Therefore, besides cherishing our own life, we should also respect the lives of all sentient beings. 一切眾生皆有佛性,因此,我們除了愛護自己的生命,也要尊重眾生的生命。
Vegetarianism is the sign of a compassionate mind. When we are filled with compassion, blessings and merits increase and good health will come naturally. 吃素是慈悲心的展現,具足慈悲,就能增長福德,身體自然健康。
When we have developed a mind of compassion, our mind will be filled with harmony and brightness. 慈悲心養成了,心當中就是一片和氣與光明。
Giving praise to others help eliminate impure speech. Rejoicing in others’ success or good deeds overcomes our jealousy. If we all uphold pure speech, learn from and commend others’ merits, and practice charitable giving and kind words, our society will be filled with harmony. 讚歎,能夠滅除我們的口過;隨喜,能夠去除我們的嫉妒心。假使每個人都能淨守口業,多觀察、學習別人的優點,多稱讚他人的長處,常行布施、愛語,這個社會就能充滿和諧。
When we react to other’s accomplishments with heartfelt joy and praise instead of envy and interference, we are getting rid of our own jealousy, and gaining great merits at the same time. When we help others to accomplish good deeds, we are bringing merits and blessings not only to others but also to ourselves. 「隨」是隨順、不違背;「喜」是歡喜、無瞋。隨喜讚歎,一方面多能除去自己的嫉妒心,另一方面能成就大功德。幫助他人成就功德、福報的同時,也在成就自己的功德、福報。
Be true in all our endeavors. In studying, cultivating merits, learning the Dharma, or Zen meditation, be honest and sincere. When we apply this principle in our daily life and Buddhist practice, we are truly cultivating merit and wisdom. 我們做事要「真」,做學問也要「真」,修福報也要「真」,聽經聞法、靜坐禪修都要認真,能夠把這些道理運用到日常生活、運用到修行,真正就是福慧雙修。