A Lotus Arising from the Red Dirt



佛心寺地處美國中部奧克拉荷馬州首府近郊。創寺緣起於一群留學生及教授,在二○○ 二年聆聽中台山法師的開示後,生起對佛法之虔誠渴仰,進而祈請開山祖師惟覺安公老和尚於此地設立道場。二○○四年,一座由古老教堂整修而成的禪宗道場興建完成,無上心法的種子,開始在奧克拉荷馬市落地生根。


For over 30 years from 1987 to 2016, Ven. Wei Chueh tirelessly spread 禪宗簡介 throughout the world. His vision was to inspire all people to return to their inherently pure and enlightened self. In Taiwan, he built the Ling Quan Temple, the 中台禪寺, the Chung Tai Buddhist Institutes for Monks and Nuns, the Pu Tai Schools, and the Chung Tai World Museum. With an unwavering determination to liberate all, he also established a global Buddhist community called the Chung Tai World, which is centered at Chung Tai Chan Monastery of Taiwan, with hundreds of thousands of members throughout more than 100 branch meditation centers worldwide. 


Buddha Mind Monastery is one of the eight Chung Tai meditation centers in the United States. Flash back to 2002, the 3rd Annual Oklahoma Buddhist Conference was held at the University of Oklahoma (OU) by faculty members and students of Buddhist associations from OU, OSU, and UCO. At the conference, the audience had an opportunity to listen to several Dharma talks by a Zen master of Chung Tai Chan Monastery. Many people from the audience showed great interest in Zen and started to thirst for a monastery. They made a sincere request to Chung Tai for the founding of a meditation center in Oklahoma so that they can continue to learn Buddhism and meditation locally from the monastics for the long term. In 2004, after more than a year of searching for a property, Buddha Mind Monastery started in a small church building and embarked on our founder Ven. Wei Chueh’s vision: sharing Buddha’s wisdom and practice and helping to bring peace and harmony to this troubled world. 


As the number of practitioners grew, the monastery then went through renovation, demolition, and reconstruction, to become a magnificent 18,000 square foot building with a unique “open hands” design to welcome all. Today, It includes a meditation hall, lecture hall, library, meeting room, and children’s room, with 40 acres of natural landscape. The serene environment has attracted practitioners from many areas to meditate, cultivate their minds, and explore their true nature. 


We welcome you to experience Zen joy with us and to discover your own peace within!

Looking Back over the Past Years

  • 2002-2003


  • 2003-2004


  • 2005

    The Chan Hall renovation was completed.

  • 2007

    The Abbot of Chung Tai Chan Monastery, Ven. Jian Deng, presided over a Purification Ceremony and transmitted the Three Refuges and Five Precepts. 

  • 2009

    The first Kids Summer Camp was held. The Kids Meditation Class was introduced.

  • 2010

    2010年十月,老和尚來美國了!佛心寺一百多位學員,抵達休士頓參加德州寶塔禪寺開光灑淨法會。 心中的法喜雀躍洗去了旅途的疲累。何其有福報能親眼看見老和尚、聽聞老和尚的法語甘露!老和尚如父親一般慈祥和藹,舉手投足間流露出的禪定、智慧,令人深深感佩。

  • 2011

    The planning and construction of the new Chan Hall began after the Purification Ceremony.

  • 2013

    The construction project was completed. The first Level 1 English Meditation Class was held at the new Chan Hall. The 10th Anniversary was celebrated.

  • 2015-2016

    Veggie Festivals held in two years in a row, featuring vegetarian cuisines from all over the world. 

  • 2017

    Over 200 participants attended the Purification Ceremony and Dharma Talk, and over 100 people took the Three Refuges and Five Precepts.

  • 2019

    The Little Buddha Mind Kids Summer Camp was held. The 15th Anniversary was celebrated.